Ian Chalmers - highly respected Engineer |
Wivenhoe Dam as built (Mark 1) had sufficient reserve storage capacity to cope with the January 2011 floods (even allowing for the less than optimal operating manual that was the result of a suspect "Public Consultation" process.)
At the turn of the century, a revision of the hydrology indicated that the catchment was more fecund than previously thought and as a result the risk for a flood of any size had increased significantly!
To ameliorate this perceived increased risk an additional "Fuse-Plug" Spillway was installed, (Wivenhoe Dam Mark II).
However this was at the cost of -
However this was at the cost of -
(a) a significantly reduced reserve storage in absolute terms and
(b) a significantly increased demand for reserve storage in relative terms.
All in all, a lose/lose situation.
All in all, a lose/lose situation.
In January 2011, a flood of sufficient magnitude to exploit this flaw arrives producing the Flood Debacle of January 2011.
Seqwater comes out with the enigmatic mantra "We followed the Manual" and nothing much else.
However, a passive "hometown" inquiry is set up at which a lot of evidence of dubious independence is forthcoming.
However, a passive "hometown" inquiry is set up at which a lot of evidence of dubious independence is forthcoming.
Following this Lawyers' picnic when it is perceived that the Inquiry is about to give its blessing to the action/inaction of Seqwater, the cumquats of Seqwater reward themselves with salary increases and performance bonuses.
In my humble opinion, this is defined as follows:
Seqwater's surfeit of poor decisions/incompetence/negligence? caused the flooding and then they reward themselves!!
Seqwater's surfeit of poor decisions/incompetence/
THAT IS CHUTZPAH par excellence!!
And what is ever more bemusing is that governments of both persuasions meekly acquiesce to it !
" Oh what a web we weave
When we conspire to deceive"
- Ian Chalmers
COMMENT: This cannot be ignored. Ian Chalmers provides an insight rarely given into the operation of the Wivenhoe Dam. He should know because he was responsible for oversighting its construction! His views must be given the highest importance because they reflect what a lot of people have been thinking for the past 2 years. I
t's time for Seqwater CEO Peter Borrows to put up or shut up over the specific issues raised by Ian Chalmers or hand back his handsome bonuses paid to him by the people of Queensland. - PaulGTully@gmail.com
t's time for Seqwater CEO Peter Borrows to put up or shut up over the specific issues raised by Ian Chalmers or hand back his handsome bonuses paid to him by the people of Queensland. - PaulGTully@gmail.com